The other parent was never involved in the decision-making process regarding the children. Who will make decisions about child-rearing, medical care and other matters? The courts want every parent to be involved in the child`s life. This does not mean that the weather will be the same. Often, the child is with a parent for school nights, while the rest of the time is divided. To obtain a divorce in Washington, at least one party must claim that the marriage is irretrievably broken. In a divorce case in Washington, the court divides the property and responsibilities of the parties, collective or separate, fairly after all relevant factors have been taken into account, including: Parents have a legal obligation to provide for their children. In most divorce cases, the non-custodial parent pays support to the other parent. Even if the parents share custody equally, you may have to pay child support if there is a big difference in their income. The court makes housing arrangements for each child that encourage each parent to maintain with him or her a loving, stable and caring relationship that is compatible with the child`s stage of development and the social and economic situation of the family. Arrange a visit for your spouse OR prevent your spouse from seeing the children. The time it takes to complete the degree also depends on your county and the complexity of your case. If it`s allegations of domestic violence, child abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse, or other things that could be dangerous for children, or if you have complicated property issues, your case could take much longer. You have a disability and/or stayed at home to care for the children while your spouse was working.

You`re less likely to get a good job now. This parent participated in the misuse of conflicts, as a result of which there is a risk of serious harm to the psychological development of the child. The emotional needs and level of development of the child. You may need to file your divorce in a tribal court. Talk to a lawyer with expertise in Indian law. If you have been unemployed for a long time (for example, you stayed at home to care for the children), you are more likely to receive child support than if you were temporarily laid off. On the other hand, you can get alimony even if you work, if the court decides that you should enjoy the same standard of living that you had during the marriage. You are more likely to receive alimony if both are true: custody cases usually have to be filed in the child`s “state of origin.” This is the last state they have been living in for at least six months. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If the rule of origin seems to be an issue in your case, be sure to talk to a duty lawyer about possible exceptions.

Do not create a situation after divorce where the title is in one name and the debts are in another name. Example: The divorce court will grant you ownership of the apartment. No one is taking steps to formalize this. Your spouse`s name remains on the mortgage. Your spouse is in default. It will then be very difficult to get the lender to give you a change, as your spouse`s name is still on the mortgage. To avoid problems, you need to refinance the property in the name of a spouse at the time of the divorce/near the divorce. Before discussing the key factors that a court considers when determining custody, let`s explore a few options for an arrangement. Worksheets on child support and ordering – to apply for child benefits. Service of documents on the state – You want family allowances. At least one of the children receives social benefits such as TANF, food stamps or medical benefits.

You must provide a copy of your legal documents through Washington State, which handles the prosecutor`s office. No. Washington has a “not guilty” divorce. The court cannot consider who “caused” the divorce when dividing the property. The court may consider whether your spouse wasted marital property without your consent OR attempted to hide property from the court. Custody is about how children are divided between parents who do not live together. This means time with each parent as well as how future decisions are made. Sometimes there are also cases of custody filed by others, such as .B. by relatives who feel that the parents are not suitable. You may both have to share the cost of non-insured health care, daycare, school, and remote visits.

The court determines how much each parent pays in proportion to their income and takes into account the number of children living with them. The court may grant the federal income tax exemptions to which each spouse is entitled. If the spouses have one or more minor or dependent children at the time of the divorce in Washington State, the court will enter into a parenting plan that will determine where the children will be each day between the time the divorce is completed and the child`s eighteenth birthday. The court designates one of the parents as the main resident parent. In most cases, decision-making for children is made jointly between the parents. The parenting plan can be prepared to meet your family`s unique needs, and no one knows those needs better than you and your spouse. You and your spouse are best qualified to create a parenting plan that best meets your children`s needs. How to resolve disagreements about children. Washington courts generally do not say more custody and visitation. They talk about the parenting plan, the housing plan and the decision-making power for the children. Court decisions about custody are included in a legal document called a “parenting plan.” During the case, there may be a temporary parenting plan.
